Saturday, May 20, 2006

Aren't you glad Specter Opposes the Marriage Amendment?

I can't imagine anything more comforting than knowing that Senator Arlen Spector is totally opposed to the anti-gay marriage amendment. I mean, what if he were "totally for it". What more could he do then? Vote to send it to the Senate floor? He did that anyway. You don't get to have it both ways Senator Specter. If you are totally opposed to something, then you take a stand against it. You and your fellow republicans don't get to vote FOR it, and then say that you're against it. Voting to send this discriminatory and hateful piece of legislation to the floor of the senate in order to appease your far right bigot backers, when they are threatening to sit out the mid term elections if you don't, is a vote FOR the amendment itself. I applaude Senator Russ Feingold for walking out of the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. In your own words sir, you are absolutely right! You are NO protector of the constitution in any way shape or form. You are just another republican pandering to the far right in order to help your party, at my expense.

I find it simply appauling that not long after religious conservatives threaten to sit out the mid-term elections if the GOP doesn't renew it's efforts to discriminate against gay Americans, the GOP jumped without even asking how high. In a country founded on the ideas of religious and personal freedoms, the GOP's bowing down to this attempt to legislate one groups religion over the rights of others goes to show how narrow minded and bigot filled the ranks of the GOP really are.

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