Friday, June 02, 2006

January 20, 2009

There are a lot of dates that you look forward to in your life. The kind of dates that you mark on your calendar and scratch off each day counting down to them off, thinking that's one down and however many to go. Marking the days off helps, you can look at the big red "X" over the previous day and say "Hey, I made another one. That's one less to get through!" Days like that for me in the past have included my 18th birthday, my 21st birthday, and the due date of my son (what a great surprise when he came early).

But the date that I'm waiting for now is different. It's not a milestone in just my own life, but one that affects everyone. Waiting for the the current administrations last term to end, finally. It's a little frustrating though, try finding a calendar that looks that far ahead that's not computer based (I like the ones I can hang on the wall and look at every day). Want to make it even more interesting, try making a note on everyday that Bush says or does something that ticks you off. LOTS of stars on MY calendar. Even better, make little check marks every time one of his right wing nut buckets gets indicted or convicted of something. The Calendar is starting to look REALLY busy now.

Have you ever had to clean up when one tenant moved out, before the next one could move in? Can you imagine trying to clean up after Bush? Try cleaning up the budget deficit (which was a surplus when he got a hold of it), immigration, border security, the attack on american civil rights, the wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, the one on the middle class of America, and probably Iran by the time he's finished). Our next president will be "X"ing off a lot of days doing clean up, before they can even get started on rebuilding.

Still, the days are getting "X"'s one at a time. January 20th, 2009 is coming. Let's just hope that we do a better job picking a new tenant for the Whitehouse this time, one who see's ALL Americans as equal, and deserving of the same civil liberties that he enjoys. A president that thinks before he speaks, and understands that most Americans want to hear intelligent conversation about important issues, not egotistic cowboy slang. Most of all, I hope we choose a president this time who understands that it is the American voter that put him there, and not divine intervention (That is REALLY scary).

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