Monday, March 05, 2007

Ann Coulter's "Faggot" Comment

John Edward's may be too nice a guy. When asked about his take on Coulter, Edwards replied: "Don't have one. Don't have anything to say about her." I respect his ability to keep his opinion about her to himself, especially when she called him a "faggot". Of course she did it in a setting where she knew it was acceptable - The Conservative Political Action Conference. Making a gay or lesbian slur in that room is about as risky as using the "N" word at a KKK meeting. Not only did no one inside the room stand up and denounce the statement immediately, but there was laughter throughout the room. If there was ever any doubt in anyone's mind about how far away from a real understanding between the LGBT community and the conservative right, there shouldn't be now. The laughter in the room demonstrates the kind of people that the Conservative Political Action Conference respects enough to have presenting to them, and the kind of people they represent - Hate filled biggots

I on the other hand am not a particularly nice person in the face of comments that are directed at me with that kind of hate, and her use of the term may have been AIMED at Edwards, but it was directed at all of us in the Gay and Lesbian community. I find Ann Couter to be a fine representative of the CPAC, which is about as big an insult as I can think of. Now I want to watch where the CPAC throws their support, there my friends, is where the real story is. Where does all the money and influence that CPAC has to offer go? Which candidate or candidates share their "sense of humor"?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:23 AM

    Ann Coulter called John Edwards a faggot. She has also said that Bill Clinton's promiscuity was evidence that he was a latent homosexual. In addition, she has called Hillary Clinton a lesbian (I happen to agree with her on this one). My point here is that Ann Coulter has homosexuality on her mind. Ann Coulter, who currently is in her mid-40's, has never been married, and has never been able to sustain a relationship with a man for any reasonable length of time. What does all this add up to?? I'm not sure, but I would wager that Ann herself has some strong unresolved issues with homosexuality and lesbianism. And I mean STRONG.
